These are some active lean coffees, check them out!
- Alkmaar
- Amsterdam
- Antwerp
- Asturias
- Austin
- Aveiro
- Baltimore
- Bangalore
- Bangkok
- Berlin
- Braga
- Brighton
- Budapest
- Cambridge
- Canberra
- Cape Town
- Cary
- Central New Jersey
- Chennai City
- Coimbra
- Cologne
- Columbus
- Copenhagen
- Curitiba
- Dortmund
- Durban
- Edinburgh
- Frankfurt
- Geelong
- Glasgow
- Graz
- Hermosillo
- Irvine
- Johannesburg
- Leeds
- Lindholmen
- Lisboa
- London
- Los Angeles
- Lynnwood
- Madrid
- Melbourne
- Milan
- Minneapolis
- Moscow
- New Delhi
- New York City
- Northryde
- Oslo
- Paddington
- Philadelphia
- Portland
- Porto
- Porto Alegre
- Puerto Rico
- Raleigh-Durham
- Riga
- Saint Petersburg
- Salt Lake City
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- Santa Barbara
- Santiago
- São Paulo
- Saratov
- Seattle
- Seattle Eastside
- Sevastopol
- Silicon Valley
- Singapore
- Spokane
- St. Louis
- Stellenbosch
- Stockholm
- Stuttgart
- Sydney
- Taiwan
- Toronto
- Tucson
- Vienna
- Washington DC
Has there been any discussion about a D.C. Lean coffee?
Interested in starting on in the DC area?
There is in Stockholm, SWEDEN, and we plan to start in Gothenburg (SWE) as well.
Hi, I would like to start a lean coffee in Madrid (Spain).
How should I proceed?
Hi!, did you recived some answer about a Lean Coffe in Madrid?
We started Lean Coffee at the Agile New England user Group – here in the Greater Boston area.
We also held a couple of Lean Coffee sessions at the local SPIN-Boston meetings.
The Lean Coffee meetings and discussions were very interesting and lively – so much so that the the folks assembled did not want to break up to go to the main meeting.
Try it – you’ll love it.
I wish to start a Lean Coffee in Luxembourg.
How can I proceed?
You start it!
If you’d like to get a some space here, just let us know and we’ll give you something like
Can you please include Melbourne Lean Coffee?
I want to start Lean Coffee at Shanghai, could you help with providing e.g.
It’s setup! Let us know if you need anything else
Hi, I want to register on our website, how to do it? I am based in Shanghai, I will contribute to with XU Yi.
Staring a new Eastside Lean Coffee to support those in Redmond, Bellevue, Bothell, Kirkland, etc.. We had out first meeting and we are set up for next wek also! Can you help set me up as a contributor on a new subdomain ? I think we will have lots of great notes and visuals to share.
Done! It’s called
I would like to start a Lean Coffee in the South Bay area, could you help me to setup a domain as
Thank you! Please add it to the city list.
I’d like to start a lean coffee in Nuremberg/Nürnberg.
Our first event is on next Monday as a part of the local Agile Monday:
What do I need to proceed here and how can I register a city?
Cheers and thx,
Still anybody out there to help me please?
Thank you for
Started Lean Coffee in russian city Samara. Really like this idea. Will gather people frequently.
Could you setup domain
You got
Thank you!
Can we get Washington DC added?
I’d like to start a lean coffee in Alkmaar (The Netherlands)
Could you setup domain ?
Could you put the Silicon Valley Lean Coffee as part of the list in this page?
We have had a 2nd successful Lean Coffee meetup, and it will be a meetup every 2nd and 4th Thurs of the month.
Done. It’s great to see you guys starting!
I would like to start lean coffee at my office in Gurgaon, India. I would like to upload it on this website, can you please help me on it.
can you add one to milwaukee?
We’ve been running Lean Coffee Orlando for several months now and it’s helped rejuvenate the local agile user group. Can we get an “” subdomain so locals and visitors can find us?
Can you add the first Central America Lean Coffee? I have been using Lean Coffee regularly in our monthly Operations Meetings at Getecsa and Valueinnova companies.
Thank you!
Best Regards!
Congratulations on the central american lean coffee!
We’ve been running Lean Coffee in Jyväskylä, Finland for few times now, good going! It would be nice to have subdomain if possible
You should be all set!
I’m planning to start up a Lean coffee group in Saskatoon. Our first meeting will be October 10th. Could you setup thanks!
There are regular Lean Coffee-s in Oslo, Norway too. It´s going on for a year or more:
Every other thursday. Fun and learnful in the same time if you ask me
Pingback: Serving Lean Coffee to build a Learning Community | A servant leader's lessons
I would like to start a Syracuse NY Lean Coffee! I wish I had known about this earlier
Hey, we now have a Lean Coffee group in Sofia, Bulgaria!
I went and started a Portland Lean Coffee. There’s a Facebook group, can we get a Portland URL?
Hi Michael,
I’d be happy to give you a URL, but I can’t give you, because there is already another group in portland that has it! So, either merge with them or (since I think you guys are talking about vastly different topics, pick a different url…
Last month, we’re in Jakarta started our first lean coffee, and it’ll going to be monthly. ( we have the short video also! please check the link.
We would be proud & happy if we’re joining you guys on that list above.
I would like to start a Lean Coffee in Missoula, Montana.
Would could you help me setup a domain as
Hi Geoff, send me an email and I can help you get setup.
I’d love to get this started in Tri-Cities WA. Can you set up
Is there any interest in the Nashville area for lean coffee?
Hi Jim and others!
Since seeing it live at SFAgile 2012, I’ve fallen for Lean Coffee. For about ten months now I have been cultivating a group in Orange Co, CA.
May we be listed on the site as “Southern California” with the sub domain as “socal”?
Thanks very much. Have an Auspicious New Year!
Hi there,
is there a change of getting for:
Thanks in advance,
Hi Radoslaw,
Sorry for the delay in the getting you set up. You should be all set up now. If you haven’t received an email or have any questions let me know.
Hi Patty,
thanks for your message. I think there’s something wrong with the redirect, but could you please change it to a founded meetup group:
Hi Radoslaw,
I’ve updated the link, you should be all set.
Hi Patty,
everything works fine! Thanks a lot!
could we get berlin. alias for which is going to start soon
Best regards and thanks!
We just had a first meeting at Lindholmen, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Could you please add our group as and add it to the list of cities as well?
Hi Oskar,
Sorry for the delay in getting you set up. You should be all set with it’s added to cities with lean coffee page as well. If you should run into any problems let me know.
I’m in the process of starting up a lean coffee community in the Raleigh-Durham area. Can you set up our site as please?
Thank you!
Hi Prem,
Sorry for the delay in getting you set up. You should now be all set with If you run into any problems, let me know.
I have organized a lean coffee in Amsterdam on March 10.
Could you setup an
Hi Fleur,
Sorry for the delay in getting you all set up with with You should be good to go. If you run into any problems, let me know.
We are starting up a Lean Coffee in here in Minneapolis…. Burrr! We need to it to stay warm! Let me know what we need to do to get our domain registered….
Hi Kyle,
Sorry for the delay in getting you all set up with You should be good to go. If you run into any problems, let me know.
Can we register our interest for please?
See our page for further info:
Hi David,
Sorry for the delay in getting you set up. You should be all set with if you run into any problems please let me know.
Hi Jeremy,
please give us a LeanCoffeeSpace for Frankfurt / Germany.
Thanks in advance
Kind regards
Hi Stefan,
Sorry for the delay in getting you set up. You should be all set with if you run into any problems please let me know.
Hi Jeremy, I’d be grateful if you could please set us up with a domain [] for our group that’s about to get off the ground.
FYI we’re about 1hr west of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and have a number of agile practitioners across many industries including tertiary education (mine), government, parastatal, heavy industry and small and medium business.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Hi Toby,
Sorry for the delay in getting you set up. You should be all ready to go with if you run into any problems, please let me know.
I am interested in setting up a Lean Coffee organization for Austin, TX.
Can you assist ?
Thanks very much,
Hi Andrew,
Sorry for the delay in getting you set up. You should be all good to go with if you have any problems, please let me know.
Lean coffee has come to Geelong. We are a regional city in Victoria, Australia doing great things in the Agile space. We kicked off lean coffee yesterday with a view of our gorgeous waterfront and 12 enthusiastic participants eager to continue the discussion!
I work in the SaaS industry as a product experience manager. I have been working with Agile teams for a while, and have found that the lean coffee approach is the best medium for breeding meaningful & actionable conversations. I would like to start one is Santa Barbara.
Thank you,
Hi Sean,
Sorry for the delay in getting you set up with you should be good to go now. If you run into any problems, please let me know.
I’m interested in starting Lean Coffee Baltimore.
Can we get a “” subdomain so locals and visitors can find us?
Hi Derek,
Sorry for the delay in getting you set up. You should be good to go with, if you run into any problems, please let me know.
Derek Huether and I are looking to start a Lean Coffee in the Baltimore area.
Anyone trolling this site is welcomed to get in touch with me with your interest and ideas.
hi Jeremy – I’d like to start a LC group in Cary, NC. I would appreciate if you can setup a page for me.
Thank you,
Hi Prem,
Sorry for the delay in getting set up, but you should be all set now. If you run into any problems, please let me know.
We’re going to give this a shot in Columbus, Ohio. Looks like the third Wednesday every month starting out, Panera Bread, Lane Avenue near the OSU campus, 7:30. We’ll see what kind of demand we get.
Hi David,
Sorry for the delay in getting you set up with, but you should be all set now. If you run into any problems, please let me know.
Patty: Starting to take off. How do I morph this into a decent webpage?
Hi David,
Did you receive login information for administering the subdomain from WordPress? If not let me know, I’ll reset the information and send it again through my email.
If I did receive the wordpress login info, I’ve lost it. Could you link us from the Cities page to We’ll manage it there like Melbourne does! Thanks.
Hi David,
You are all set. I have added your link (Columbus) to the Cities with Lean Coffee page.
it’s interesting. this website has Deutsch version, but there is no German city running Lean Coffee? Any body want to start one in Munich?
Hi Jeremy,
Can you add our Irvine Lean Coffee to the list? I’d previously asked for it to be labelled “Southern California”, but after two years of floating around, we’ve become consistent for meeting in Irvine, CA. The website is and we are a Scrum Alliance SUG (run 100% in Lean Coffee format).
We’ve also started a Lean Coffee in San Diego this month. Zach Bonaker is the organizer, and the URL on meetup is
Hi Victor,
Sorry for the delay in getting Irvine, and San Diego added to the Cities with Lean Coffee page, they are added in now. If you decide to go with a subdomain just let me know, and we can get that set up for you as well.
Anyone expressed an interest in Houston yet? I’m co-organizer of a DevOps meetup, and think that a Lean Coffee like I participated in before moving here from Miami would be great. Unsure of the market for this, as H-town is not known yet for it’s technology innovation. We’re working on that, and a #LeanCoffee might accelerate the movement.
Your feedback will be helpful! Thx in advance, AB
Hi guys, any chance we can get our Lean Coffee Cambridge (UK) listed on your group? (I hope we fit your format and guidelines? ) cheers all, Alan Hemmings
Hi Alan,
Sorry for the delay in getting you set up with but you should be all set now. If you run into any problems please let me know.
Hi, I want to start Lean Coffee at Budapest, could you help with providing e.g.
Thanks, Edit
I want to start Lean Coffee at Budapest, HUNGARY, could you help with providing e.g. Can I manage it myself as well?
Thanks for your quick answer, help
Hi Edit,
Sorry for the delay in getting you set up. is all set now. You should have received an email. Yes, you can manage it yourself. If you run into any problems, please let me know.
Hi Patty,
thanks for setting budapest domain! I haven’t received the e-mail yet – login, password, ect..?
thanks, Edit
Hi Edit,
I have reset your information and will send you the login information through my email.
[For the list] There’s one in St. Louis, Missouri:
Thanks Tyler! St. Louis has been added to the Cities with Lean Coffee page.
We want to start a lean coffe in Moscow. Could you please add a subdomain for us?
Hi Illia,
You are all set up with
Patty, thank you. But how shall I log in?
Hi Illia,
You should have received login information from WordPress. I’ll reset the information and send you login information through my email.
We are creating a lean coffee group in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Would it be possible to create a domain for us?
Oh, and a question: our intention is to alternate presencial and virtual calls (using hangouts and Is this ok for you?
Hi Diogo,
You should be all set with
Thanks, Patty! Somehow, I did not receive any invite. Can you please resend?
Hi Diogo,
WordPress seems to be having hiccups with sending their emails out. I will reset your information and send you the login information through my email.
You can now add Brighton (UK) to the list!
Thanks for the inspiration guys
Thanks Laurence! Brighton (UK) has been added to the Cities with Lean Coffee page.
Pingback: Berlin Lean Coffee are on Meetups! | Berlin Lean Coffee
We’ve started a Lean Coffee as part of the Durban agile user group (in South Africa). Can you add us to the list? Thanks!
Hi Steve,
Durban has been added to the Cities with Lean Coffee list.
We’re hosting Lean Alt / Lean Pils events in Düsseldorf and Bochum, Germany. Means, that this is a round table in a brewery – or something similar – discussing Agile, Scrum and Lean. It’s called Lean Alt and Lean Pils, because it is an event series in the evening, so we’re drinking beer, not coffee. Would be nice, if these events could be included on the page!
Hi Andreas,
Would you like Lean Coffee subdomains?
We’ve run a Lean Coffee in Saint-Petersburg and want to share our experience
Could you please add subdomain
Thank you!
Hi Mark,
You should be all set with the Saint Petersburg Lean Coffee subdomain.
Hello Patty.
How can I get access to that subdomain?
Btw, I haven’t receive any email and is not found …
Hope you will help. Thank you!
Sorry about domain – it works corretcly.
But no email from wordpress.
Hi Mark,
I have reset your information and sent you the login information through my email.
Hi guys,
Could you please add Porto and Braga from Portugal) to the list!
or could you please add subdomain and
Nevertheless, many thanks for the inspiration
We are planning to create more buzz and bring more people on board.
Hi Eduardo,
The Porto and Braga Lean Coffee subdomains have been set up. Because WordPress seems be having issues sending emails, I sent all your information to you through my email.
hi there,
just attended a lean coffee session in Singapore and interested to get one going. Could you help to setup
thank you!
Hi Michael,
The Singapore Lean Coffee subdomain has been all set up. Because the WordPress emails have not been working, I have forwarded you your information through my email.
We’re having a Lean Coffee in Milan on the 11th of February. Could you please setup a domain for us? Thanks.
Hi Illia,
You should be all set with the Milan subdomain.
Hi, we would like to enroll Copenhagen in the Lean Coffee community. We will start hosting Lean Coffee sessions as part of our Agility Lab meetup group. Br, Morten Elvang
Our proposal is that could point to the meetup group – if that could work?
Hi Morten,
I have added your Lean Coffee Meetup link on the list above under Copenhagen. Unfortunately, the WordPress dashboard will not allow me to link/redirect a subdomain to another site. If you would like to set up a sub domain please don’t hesitate to let me know and I can get that set up for you.
Hi guys!!
We’ve run a Lean Coffee in Hermosillo, México and want to share our experience
Could you please add subdomain
Thank you!
Hi Héctor,
You should be all set with the Hermosillo subdomain. The WordPress emails have not been working so I have forwarded you an email with all your information.
Hi guys,
just attended a lean coffee session in Asturias ( Spain) and interested to get one going. Could you help to setup
Thank you!
Hi Aurora,
You should be all set with the Asturias subdomain. The WordPress emails have not been working so I have forwarded you an email with all your information.
We would like to get a lean coffee setup in Tucson, Arizona for our User Group Meetups. Could we get: setup?
Kind regards,
Hi Jay,
You should be all set with the Tucson subdomain. The WordPress emails have not been working so I will send you an email with all your information.
We have a regular Lean Coffee meetup in Edmonton, Alberta Canada.
Just FYI.
Hi Dustin,
Would you like a subdomain or do you have a website already in place that we could use to link to Edmonton on this page?
I am Neha from New Delhi, India.I am the founder and organizer of Jslovers community – for JavaScript lovers.
I have my meetup group –
Facebook Page
Website –
I would like to have the sub domain for India with lean coffeee.Please let me know how can we set the same.
Hi Neha,
You should be all set up with the New Delhi Lean Coffee sub domain. The WordPress emails haven’t been working so I will send you an email with all your information.
Hi everyone,
…passing by to register that Lean Coffee São Paulo is having its 3rd anniversary on May/2015!!! –> Lean Coffee #36 \o/
See you,
Hi Rafael,
That’s great news! Happy Anniversary!
I am co-organizing the Scrum User Group in Graz and we are regularly meeting once a month. Since December 2014 we are doing a Lean Coffee at our meetings and it has been a great success. I would like to add Lean Coffee Graz as a subdomain to be visible on your page. Please provide info how I have to proceed.
Hi Stefan,
I have added Graz along with your page link you provided to the Cities with Lean Coffee page. I have also set up a Graz sub domain page for you and will email your login information. When you have your sub domain all set up let me know and I will add that page link on the Cities with Lean Coffee page.
The sub-domain is setup. Please change the link “Graz” to
Hi Stefan,
The Cities with Lean Coffee page Graz link has been updated.
Hi – can you please add Philly to the list of Lean Coffee cities? We’re running lean coffee sessions as part of AgilePhilly right now, which is a Scrum Alliance User group. Not sure if we want a Lean Coffee subdomain yet. I may request that at a later point. Thanks.
Hi Greg,
I’ve added Philly to the list.
We are starting lean coffee sessions in the center of the city of Philadelphia. We would like a subdomain, preferably since we call it Lean Coffee Philly. But, a link to Philadelphia in the list would be sensible.
We will be using a meetup website:
Thank You,
Mark Watson
Hi Mark,
I’ve set you up with the Philly Lean Coffee subdomain. I will send you an email with all your login information.
I’d like to try set up Lean Coffee in Leeds (UK), please may i have a sub domain?
Thank you.
Hi Jonathan,
I have set you up with the Leeds Lean Coffee subdomain. I will send you an email with all your login information.
Hi Patty, I’m running a Lean Coffee Bangkok through meetup. Would be great to get added to the list.
Hi Chris,
I’ve added Bangkok to the Cities with Lean Coffee page. You should be all set.
I would like to start a lean coffee in Central New Jersey area, could you please help me set up a subdomain?
I set you up with a Central New Jersey subdomain. I will send you an email with all the login information.
Hi Patty
We are a team of Lean and Agile professionals interested in starting the great Lean Coffee meet ups at Chennai, India.
Will it be possible to provide a sub domain for us.
Hi Krishna,
I set you up the Chennai City subdomain. I will send you an email with all your login information.
Thanks, Patty.
Received the details for Chennai City subdomain.
Best Regards
I am part of the community Scrum Puerto Rico Agile group and we want to begin our first lean coffee.
Could you provide a sub domain for us.
Ileanna Lopez
Hi Ileanna,
I have set you up with the Puerto Rico Lean Coffee subdomain. I will send you an email with all your login information.
we’ve start Lean Coffee in Stuttgart, could you please add us to the list? Thanks a lot
Stuttgart Lean Coffee has been added to the list.
Hello! I was curious if the lean coffee group in Seattle is still happening? The Seattle page hasnt been updated in awhile so curious if anyone knew if it was still happening. Thank you!
Hi Troy,
Yes, the Seattle Lean Coffee is still happening every Wednesday morning from 8:30 – 10:00.
Hi Guys,
Just an FYI, I have started the Lean Coffee Curitiba in August 2013 after attending one meeting in São Paulo. The site above is the meetup link for the Lean Coffee Curitiba page (in Portuguese) and also I’ve got a page on Facebook ( – also in Portuguese).
I’m glad to share this information with you. Thanks for the great idea!
Best Regards,
William Etiene.
Hi William,
Thank you for the information. I have added Curitiba Lean Coffee to the list.
Cool! Thanks Patty!
Are you still providing subdomains for the Lean Coffees around the world? I’d be glad to maintain the Curitiba subdomain if this is still the case.
Hi William,
Yes, I’d be happy to. I’ve set up the Curitiba Lean Coffee subdomain for you. I will email you with your login information.
I want to start a lean coffee in Bangalore.
How do I do that. Could you please create a Bangalore subdomain
Thanks and Best Regards,
Hi Nagesh,
I have set you up with the Bangalore Lean Coffee subdomain. I will send you an email with all your login information.
We are regularly doing Lean Coffee format events under our Agile Latvia organisation umbrella. Would be great to get: so more people know about us and join the events.
Hi Leonid,
I have set you up with the Riga Lean Coffee subdomain. I will send you an email with all your login information.
Hey guys – it’s Alex-from-Seattle-now-from-Canberra-Australia! The agile meetup scene here is dead dead dead. I gotta start up a Lean Coffee. Can you set me up with a subdomain please? works. Say hi to all the Kaizen Camp peeps for me…
Alex Sloley
Hi Alex,
Nice to hear from you and I hope all is well! I have set you up with the Canberra Lean Coffee subdomain. I will send you an email with all your login information.
Hi Patty,
We have some regularly events to interact with people in “Lean Coffee” format in Taiwan.
Would you help us to be listed and glad to have:
It is inspiring and to encourage people to know us and to participate Lean Coffee event here!
Thank you!
Hi William,
I have set you up with the Taiwan Lean Coffee sub-domain. I will send you an email shortly with all your information.
Hi Patty,
Thanks for your help. It works now. : )
We adore Lean Coffee and have started it in Saratov, Russia.
Could we get a link on this site?
We have a short article about our first meeting here
Hope to hear good news from you.
Hi Olga,
I have added your Saratov link to the Cities with Lean Coffee page. If you decide in the future you would like to add a sub-domain, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
Hi, Patty!
Thank you for adding Saratov to the list. We are going to meet for Lean Coffee once a month by the way:)
I want to clear all thing out for me: if we decide to have subdomain and use it as a platform for spreading information about Lean Coffee in our city, we need to know how we’ll moderate it. Will we have an access to administrate the page by ourselves or we’ll have to send the information to you to add it to the page? Is your subdomain free?
Probably these are all questions important to me.
Thank you again for your help.
Hi Olga,
You are welcome!
If you decide you would to be set up with a Saratov Lean Coffee subdomain, you will have access as the administrator of your subdomain and will maintain it yourself. There is no cost for the subdomain.
If you have any other questions or decide you would like to be set up with a subdomain, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Hello again!
We decided to have our subdomain for Saratov Lean Coffee.
Thank you.
Hi Olga,
You are all set up with the Saratov Lean Coffee subdomain. I have emailed you all the login information.
Not sure if it is feasible to apply Taiwan Lean Coffee subdomain as for local activity promotion? Thanks for any advice.
Hey guys! Here in Madrid we love Lean Coffees, so we have created the Lean Coffee Madrid meetup. Could you set up for a for us? many thanks!
Hi Héctor,
I have set you up with the Madrid Lean Coffee sub-domain. I will email you all your information shortly.